Whatever our baggage...

Whatever our baggage...
Whatever our baggage...the truth makes it light...

Tuesday, August 29, 2017

From my archives: Endocrinological Voice Disorders/Endokrinologische Stimmstoerungen, Münster, 1986, by Sigrid Countess von Galen

From my archives: Endocrinological Voice Disorders/Endokrinologische Stimmstoerungen, Münster, 1986, 

by Sigrid Countess von Galen

This paper goes way back to my last student year in 1986. I had always been fascinated by the voice and how it works. My teachers all had very holistic approaches and methodologies but knowledge about endocrinological voice disorders was extremely scarce. It was the time before the internet and there was only one library in Germany, that held all the international and national research publications in medicine, voice and speech therapy and endocrinology.

But almost none of the publications in these fields had anything published on endocrinological voice disorders. I was particularly interested in those, as I had miraculously survived a prolactinome, which disappeared by itself without any operation. But the outcome, had it grown, could have been fatal and on the way, possibly also claimed my voice.

That is, how my interest got started and when I survived all the gruesome predictions of the doctors, who told my parents I would be dead within a year (that was in 1986!), I decided that the topic for my final paper at university had found me!

I made my way to Munich, to the Staatsbibliothek (the National Library), and began my research. The few publications I found were actually written as by-product findings by scientists from various non-medical fields like space technology, as they noticed that potential astronauts had changes in their voices after certain medication.

Another story I was told by Prof. Bauer in at the Ear, Nose and Throat Clinic in the university in Münster, who had advised the pharmaceutical companies in the Sixties on the side effects of the then version of the new anti-baby pill. He warned them that the female telephone operators could experience irreversible male voice changes and so it was in a certain pharmaceutical company that ignored his warnings...

I find it extremely interesting that in 1986 and even in the 1990ies, when I updated my results, there were hardly any transsexual patients presented in the medical publications. I personally have helped quite a few singers in the UK after sex changes to find and stabilise their new voice range. But even in the late Nineties the numbers were only a few.

I find it quite worrying, especially in the context of so much illegal experimentation on human beings and unlawful laboratories run secretly by certain lobbies, who are also involved in human trafficking, grooming, enforced adoption, disappearing of children,  CSA, sex slavery and gene experimentation and who operate worldwide even via established spiderwebs of rogue officials in churches, schools and universities under abuse of immunity that suddenly the figures have multiplied.

I have always followed the developments in endocrinology from those early days in 1986.
The pages below show the index and foreword of my paper in Sprecherziehung/Sprechwissenschaft. 

I would be very interested in hearing from anybody, who has had permanent voice changes, and what path they chose or were guided towards. If you have been maltreated or misinformed and have not found your voice yet, I would also be grateful to hear from you, as there is help available.

Contact: Sigrid Countess von Galen, countessvongalen@gmail.com


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